Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I.E., Wayne and Corinne's summer en Photo Revue: As recounted to Woodstock the Bird (Schultz, Charles) by Mrs. Corinne Adele Phillips circa September 2015:
"It all started when Wayne and I got stuck in a downpour at the end of June. Our phones lay miserably drowned on the soaking, running, seeping pavement under the truck in our driveway. Mysteriously, our most expensive electronics must have fallen from our pockets when last we had climbed down from our seats the night before. *Frown *Ugh!!
But after the frowning, again came the smiling, because we got new smart phones like...the very next day after that. 
 *Whew! and once again we had phones that are the most expensive electronics we both own."
'And then, while enjoying a sunny, warm pleasant drive in the 'Five,' says Woodstock, 'Corinne realizes suddenly that she needs glasses and a new drivers' license...almost in that exact order!', so, 'yes, THaT happens...and then


GUESS Who shows up: Dave!

Cute Kid with Ms. Hilary Fisher's Purse

 which is just before Wayne and the step son's birthday bash!' *breathe *breathe *wing- flutter, *twitter. 

"So then,":

...and Mark Twain for Wayne.
"Unbroken" for Drew.
Hasting's bucks!
'So, Well, Okay: Two weeks after the party...  
Vegas, BabY!!!'
"And although the pictures have not come back from Walmart  yet, I was able to snap this one on the way to our hotel."
"In August, we narcissistically took these Selfies at the movie theater instead of taking pictures of the Baby when we took Ollie, Drew and Brit to see The Minion Movie, even though it was Ollie's first movie ever."

So, THaT is what Wayne and Corinne did this summer. *Sigh 










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